Do you know that Woodbridge township has a green oasis? How many are aware of the existence of Woodbridge River and 97 acres of tranquil forest in the township of Woodbridge? If you are a resident of Woodbridge and happen to be in Omar Avenue – you will be able to see the wooded area. A wooded area in Woodbridge?
Surprised? I bet!
Way back in 1988 a group of six individuals of the township formed a small organization called the Woodbridge River Watch. The group grew in strength to about a 100 volunteers at one time. Several enthusiastic clean-ups were undertaken and you won’t believe the things that they pulled out from the Woodbridge river! Tires, shopping carts, bottles, cans amongst endless other things!
The WRW has shown that what a group of dedicated people can do to conserve the natural resources even in an urban environment. The Woodbridge township has recognized the efforts of the group and has allocated $15,000 to have engineers delineate the wetlands.
The objective of Woodbridge River Watch:
Cleanup and Restore all waterways in Woodbridge Township
Provide passive (natural state) recreational areas, such as:
- Nature Trails
- Canoe Launch sites & rest areas
- Bird Watching Stands
- Animal Refuges
Latest activity by the group is the butterfly garden @Omar Avenue. Work in the butterfly garden started last year.
Thanks to the dedicated members of the WRW group and volunteers the waterways have been restored largely. More work needs to be done for which volunteers are required. The forthcoming cleanup has been planned for 24th of October 2009 (rain date 31st of October). Please visit the organization website for contact information. We need to ensure that the work of all the senior members of the group is carried on by the younger generation.
So pass this post to as many Woodbridge residents you know – As for me I am amazed by the spirit of the group and each meeting inspires me to do more than what is required for our earth.
“Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success." Swami Vivekanand
The work by the group shows just that! They never fail to inspire me!
CIAO – till the next post!
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