Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Woobridge Farmers Market – Woodbridge goes Green

To all my readers who responded on the “No bottled water for me” post – thanks a lot. I did promise that my next post will be on bottled water again, as the "Climate Change – I care" group on Linkedin where I had posted had several different arguments about this issue.

However, this post is too important to wait – atleast for the residents of Woodbridge.

Woodbridge Goes Green is the event planned for August 22nd at the Woodbridge Farmers Market.

The Greenable Woodbridge website asks residents to -

“Join the Woodbridge Environmental Commission for “Woodbridge Goes Green” @ the Farmer's Market… a day-long festival of “Green” events and giveaways to help protect and preserve our environment…  8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Downtown Farmers Market at the Town Hall parking lot.”

How does dropping by and shopping at the local farmer’s market help in being green? One might wonder!

It works in the following manner:

The Farmer market sells produce from farmers here in New Jersey. Instead of paying big corporations, by buying local farmers’ products, you can help to sustain the environment and support the community.

Not to mention fruits and veggies bought in markets are usually more plump, juicier and more nutritious.

Conventional farming uses vast tracts of land and loads chemicals, inefficient use of water. Constant water techniques causes the percolation of chemicals deep into the soil and polluted water run-off into nearby lakes and streams. Land and water degradation is the result of conventional farming. Not to speak of the chemicals that remain on the fruits and vegetables.

Sustainable agriculture has begun to proliferate in response to the concern. Farmers maintain small plots of land and raise different types of plants and animals, which are rotated around the fields to enrich the soil and help prevent disease and pest outbreaks, according to www.sustainabletable.org.

Chemical pesticides are used minimally and only when necessary, but many sustainable farms have gone completely organic.

To lower the amount of fossil fuels wasted, farmers sell their goods to local vendors, and that’s where we come in — the consumers who make sustainable agriculture possible.

This is where the Farmer’s Markets come in. By buying your produce at the local farmer’s market – your benefits will be two-fold – you get to buy fresh and organic food – as well as your efforts will help in supporting your local economy.

Moreover – such markets are outdoors – and on a nice summer day – what could be more pleasant than picking up your basket for a nice trip to your local farmer’s market?

So see you there..till then CIAO.


PS : For township residents with kids (5th – 8th grade) – the next green event in your calendar -

Aug. 24 to 28
Sign-Up for the “Green” Day Program
Eco-Adventures at the Earth Center
Davidson’s Mill Pond Park, S. Brunswick

More more info click the link below :

 Aug. 24 to 28 Eco-Adventures at the Earth Center

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