- Store it at home till you think you can sell it!
- Pass it on to the less previledged - downtrade
- Trade-in at the store where you buy upgraded item - hope that it may be disposed responsibly !!
- Sell to to the local recycler - illegal stripping and disposal
- Recycle it with authorised recycler - may be the best..but will not yield any monetary returns to the user.
Last year three Infoscions decided to come together for a common goal. The goal was to work on the idea - that awareness on responsible E-waste disposal must spread to each and every person using electronic and electrical devices. Thus came to life our initiative called Afterelife - its a kind of reverential treatment to end of life devices. Would invite you all to visit this blogsite and share with all:
Sharing with you simple steps for E-waste disposal for corporates :
Visit: http://afterelife.blogspot.com/2012/01/6-steps-towards-responsible-e-waste.html
You can visit our Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/Afterelife
Please like our page and send it to as many corporates that you may know of.
Hope you like this post. Your comments are most welcome and will help us get valuable feedback on what you think