MISSION STATEMENT Woodbridge Township is committed to developing strategies that will reduce our impact on the environment both collectively and individually, so that we might preserve our natural resources for the citizens now and in the future. The Township is also committed to the growth of an economic and socially sustainable community. |
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.”
Margaret Mead
Making green choices is hard for many people. Modern living has made us lazy. We put all our trash in one big bag when we can recycle and compost, we wipe our tables with paper when we can use cloth, we take out our car when we can walk, when we entertain friends we use disposable plates and cups, we take loads of plastic bags when we go grocery shopping..……the list is endless. Why do we make these choices – 1. We cannot immediately feel the ramifications of our actions, 2. We have no time…3. We believe we are doing nothing wrong as everyone else is doing the same thing and 4. last but not the least the non-green choice is the choice that offers the path of least resistance and is most convenient and readily available!
Those who make green choices could be very well branded insane!!
We have no choice but to be green…if not for our sakes but for the sake of our children. The legacy of environmental degradation will be a big price that our children will have to pay. Recently saw a beautiful Walt Disney children’s movie Wall-E,which touches upon the future of mankind due to the immense trash that we generate and massive consumerism - message well conveyed. In fact, most children today are more aware of what is good for our earth (due to efforts of several environmental education groups, school curriculum, TV shows and movies). Even the popular children’s cartoon show Curious George ran an episode on vermicomposting – causing my son to take a lot of interest in worms and dirt! There was one more on recycling. Ask your child what’s good for the earth – she/he probably knows a bit more about making greener choices. Recently I went grocery shopping(minus my reusable bag) and I took 2 plastic bags as one of them was torn – my friend’s daughter was with me – she pointed out – “Aunty, don’t double bags – see it is written there” see what I mean! A lesson learnt! Children can teach us a lot!
As a resident of Woodbridge Township – this Greenable Woodbridge pledge offers all of us a chance to become environmentally aware and do our bit to achieve a sustainable lifestyle. I am extremely happy with the resolution of the township since it provides an impetus to the green movement worldwide. Many people are reluctant to lead a greener lifestyle as they do not know where to start or what to do. As a starting point the residents can take the green team challenge listed on the township website.
The townships efforts will bear fruit with whole hearted effort of its residents. We as residents must not undermine our part in this effort.
The various aspects that the township is working on are :
1. Saving Energy – Distribution of CFLs
2. Saving Water – Rain Gardens
3. Buying local and encouraging local economy – Farmer’s market
4. Walkability in the township
5. Reduce, Recycle and Reuse
6. Community outreach and education – through fairs, schools
7. Protection of local natural areas
The township had the Greenable Visioning meeting on July 14th 2009. It is imperative for one and all to be a part of the green movement to make the township’s green movement successful.
The Woodbridge township website http://www.twp.woodbridge.nj.us/Green/tabid/751/Default.aspx lists all the future activities in which its residents can participate.
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Woodbridge Township Moves Toward Certification...
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Woodbridge Township Redevelopment Agency Achieves Excellence in Planning Award for 2009
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Woodbridge Mayor McCormac Announces $2.4 Million BPU Clean Energy Grant to Kick-Start ...
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Hats off to the town’s proactive Mayor John McCormac spearheading the township’s effort in order to achieve its sustainability goals.
As a resident of this township our job is to join this movement and to provide feedback. Through this blog I will promote the township’s green efforts and post blogs on how to achieve a greener lifestyle. People interested in posting their green efforts are most welcome to send me their posts – which will go up on this blog.
Ciao – till the next post…